This is why I want to RetireRight!

If you want to RetireRight, you’re in the right place. And if you are concerned about finding, understanding and dealing with all the details that go along with retirement planning…but aren’t sure where to start…you’re really in the right place.

I’m on a quest to find answers. No, there isn’t ONE answer for everyone. But there are answers we can find for our own personal situations. And I want to help. is all about finding the resources, deciphering the details and helping the “pre-retired” find the best possible solutions to RetireRight.

I’m married to my wonderful wife Beth. We have 3 boys and a gaggle of grandkids. And they are all why I want to RetireRight.

I proudly served in the US Army and have over 25 years of business experience. During that time, I honed a passion for finding and using the right tools and techniques for just about anything. But I know not everyone has the same passion or ability to research the fine points.

That’s what we’ll talk about here…so you don’t have to dig through the 1.8 billion Google threads for retirement planning. And keep in mind, retirement planning is far more than dollars, interest and investment accounts. So we’ll cover it all.

You can read about the various topics in my blog. You can also check out the resources page if you’d like to do a little digging on your own.

I’m looking forward to this journey and hope you’ll come along, learn something, give feedback and just generally enjoy getting ready to RetireRight.

Brian Richardson

PS. Here’s some off-topic info that I’m sure you’ll find riveting.

  • I can eat my weight in dark chocolate. White chocolate is like a stripe-less zebra…why!

  • I’m an Army vet.

  • My faith is important.

  • My wife and I love camping in our RV.

  • I used to compete in KCBS barbecue competitions. My claim to fame is a 1st place brisket.

  • I have over 3000 blues songs on CD in my attic.

  • We love our grandkids.

  • My wife hates it when I over-enunciate with automated services on the phone.

I can’t wait to retire so I can get up at 6am and drive around real slow and make everyone late to work.